Technical translation and translation of highly specialized texts

Turnkey operating manuals!
Only in our agency you can translate from 48 foreign languages!
Technical documentation and  texts of special topics in St. Petersburg are our strong point!

You do not need to come to our office – we accept orders by e-mail, and the exchange of accounting documents is carried out by courier or by mail!

We have the lowest prices in the city!
We provide a discount for large orders!

Every day, our translation agency is faced with technical translations of texts of varying degrees of complexity and urgency. We can provide you with technical translation or highly specialized translation in the following areas and areas:

  • Mechanical engineering, machine tool building, instrument making
  • Shipbuilding, aviation and space technology
  • Electricity, electrical and electronics
  • Nuclear power
  • Telecommunications, navigation and communications
  • IT industry, translation of documentation for software and hardware
  • Gas, oil and oil refining industry 
  • Chemistry, technical chemistry
  • Construction and engineering communications
  • Information display systems, electronic document management systems
  • Medicine and medical technology
  • Tender and project documentation (translation of contracts, agreements, estimates, instructions, drawings, etc.)
  • Scientific documentation – journal publications, monographs, abstracts
  • Translation of software
  • Translation of scientific and technical literature (manuals, brochures, books)
  • Translation of websites and mobile applications

In these areas , the bureau has organized a special department for technical translation , which brings together groups of translators. This structure allows us to fulfill orders of our clients with the highest quality and in the shortest possible time . Each group of translators specializes in several related areas, while all translators know the necessary vocabulary and understand the subject matter of the translated documentation. In difficult cases, we also involve specialists directly working in this field for cooperation . These measures ensure high accuracy and naturalness technical translations carried out by our agency.

In addition to technical translation, we will, if necessary, carry out layout  and stitching of translated materials.

We also provide interpretation services for the installation and commissioning of new equipment at enterprises, we provide translation of seminars , trainings , help with translation in training employees and during internships.  

Technical translation examples

You can see the excerpts from the documents translated by IDS :

Translation of technical documentation in the field of metallurgy with graphics (fragment of the translation of the book “Lead alloys for modern batteries” A. Rusin, carried out for scientists of Great Britain)Original (Russian)Translation (English)
Translation and layout of a drawing in the field of metallurgyOriginal (Russian)Translation (English)
Translation of documentation in the field of medicineOriginal (Russian)Translation (English)
Translation of the operating manualOriginal (Kazakh)Translation (Russian)
Translation of the technical product passportOriginal (Russian)Translation (French)
Translation of the electrical diagramOriginal (Italian)Translation (Russian)
Translation of instructionsOriginal (German)Translation (Russian)

Contact Information

For all questions related to technical translations,
you can contact our office or directly to the manage

Ustinova Alina Vladimirovna ,

Leading Specialist of the Technical Translation Department,

translator of English and Dutch

Tel .: +7 (812) 448-83-94